Wire Rope Projects

Completed by Ropetech Wire Rope Technical Services

Case Study Replacement of Lock Gate Ropes & Fittings

In 2008 we were asked to survey and inspect the wire rope hoist systems which operate a series of three locks gates. One of which is shown in the photograph below.

Our findings included:

  1. Significant levels of corrosion.
  2. Rope tensioning systems that were seized and
  3. Terminating sockets that had been incorrectly fitted.

Full details of our findings and the associated tasks we were asked to complete can be found by following the Case Study Link.

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Case Study Necessary Refurbishment of Flare Stack Ground & Upper Anchorages, Scotland

In 2018 we completed the refurbishment of the guy rope system on the flare stack detailed in this case study.

This included:

  1. Replacement of significantly corroded elements of both the upper and lower anchorage systems.
  2. Link plates that were misaligned and
  3. Rectifying the situation with a guy rope that had come into contact with the access ladder resulting in the wires having been worn through by approximately 50%.
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